Monday, July 16, 2012

Is Your Closet Too Small?

That was the big question at one of classes during the NARTS Conference. And I admit that I would say yes! That is until I had a major clean out. Trying to decide what stays and what goes is tough. Especially when I had been changing my wardrobe style from a uniform for work to whatever I felt like. All around the conference a new phrase seemed to be popping up (at least it was new to me)..."If it's so-so, it's no-no". It seriously became my thought process. How many things did I have in the closet that we're just so-so? A LOT! Following the guidelines to clean out a closet sounds pretty intimidating and you would think it would take hours and hours, but really, how long did it take? With that question in my head, and being truly honest about how things looked, it wasn't that bad. And now I can see the floor instead of a big pile of shoes I never wore because they were too uncomfortable and I can see that I tend to gravitate toward black clothes (I feel skinnier in them - always thinking black is slimming), so I should add some more color here and there. It's organized and clean and no longer too small. And one more project off my list. And, for those who have asked, yes, I even have the jeans in my closet hanging like the ones in the store.

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