Wednesday, May 8, 2013 my power

I was going to write my #4 about an actual article of clothing, but nope.  Life makes me change my thinking when I go to actually write something.  Though it isn't something you wear, it is something you should have with you at every step...knowing you have, in your power, the ability to make a difference in someone's life.  That you have, in your power, the ability to make things better.  That you have, in your power, the ability to determine your destiny and influence the destiny of others. 

When something bad comes to light, the immediate reaction is to lash out and blame someone or something else.  To just say what you are thinking in the heat of the moment instead of analyzing and seeing the truth in it.  Have I just gone off the deep end without stopping to see how it will affect someone?  You bet I have.  And then I regret.

Where is the truth in what happened?  What can be done so it doesn't happen again?  What can I do to make it better for myself, others around me and those to come?  In my past life, I tried to do those things and wasn't very popular a lot of the time for many different reasons.  I saw things and heard things that you never want to know about because if you did, you would think I was lying...people don't treat others like that, but they do.  For a while, I had, in my power, the ability to make it better for those to come and for those needed help.  When I knew that "power" was gone, I left and started Absolutely Her. 

And now, I have the power back to make a difference in the lives of those I currently serve.  And those who are near and dear to me.  I have the power to use face to face contact to let others see that I care about their lives and the lives of those around them.  To use the goodness of my consignors to help in any way I can.  To use my power to spread love around.  I told someone that I have never told before that I loved them.  She is a woman so strong, she probably doesn't see her strength.  She is a woman who fights and loves deeply.  She is the mother to a young woman  who is my "intern daughter".  And she is a woman I admire.  She has power. 

Today think about your power.  What do you have the power to do?  Who do you have the power to help?  Who "empowers" you?  Make a difference in one person today...the smallest of gestures can bring the greatest of rewards.

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