I am normally a black purse person. It seems to just go with everything and blends in to what I'm wearing. But I discovered the power of color with a little help from my friends. I bought the perfect bag (at Absolutely Her, of course) and it is the most interesting thing I think I own. It is a beautiful teal-turquoise color with 6 standout flowers by Nicole Lee. I have had so many women stop me and ask about it. I love showing them and then telling them where I got it. It is certainly one of my best marketing tools. Funny thing is, I was in a car dealership about two weeks ago and even some of the men were commenting about it and wanting one for their wives. To make it stand out even a little more, "the other Angela" tied a polka-dot scarf to it. LOVE IT!
But the best part about having this purse is that the person who consigned it loves to buy her favorite things in multiple colors. So guess what the next purse I bought was? Her twin sister in yellow and orange!
I guess my #2 is not a particular item, but more of a notion of adding color to your wardrobe. It can be something as simple as a bracelet (today I have on a bright orange one), a scarf, a purse or anything you feel will give you that little boost of happiness.
And on a totally different note, I have to share what happened this week. One of my customers came in with her son because he had been in with her before, and found something he wanted to give her for Mother's Day. He was so cute - mom went to the other side of the store and when she was out of sight, he took me to the exact thing he wanted and then I gave him everything he needed to wrap it up for her. He was so proud to have picked out the perfect gift all on his own. He has great taste and I know she will treasure it!
Best part? Another mom was in the store with her son and she let him pick out her present, too. He was so excited I don't know if it will make it to Mother's Day - he wanted her to open it right there.
Happy Early Mother's Day to these two women - you are raising outstanding young men.
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